Wednesday, June 4, 2008

you need tips for air travel?

1. Packing-- you don't need to necessarily pack super light, but pack smart & don't overpack. Think about how much you're going to be hauling around your luggage-- the more you have to haul it, the lighter you should try to pack. Think about if you're *really* going to need an item where you're going. Women can be really bad at this-- I'm just as guilty. For Example, consider makeup-- If you're only going to be gone a week, make do with 1 lipstick, 1 bottle of perfume, etc.

Also, you don't need to pack for every emergency--chances are you can buy what you need where you are, should you actually need it.

2. Security & carryons-- Oh, the fun. :oP First, wear comfortable but nice clothes. My standard travel wear is a decent pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt. Comfortable, and not too inclined to show stains. (Bleep happens--trust me.) Also, plan for security. The better prepared you are, the faster you'll get through. So-- plan ahead, minimize metal, empty your pockets, and *be nice* to the security people, regardless of how they treat you. I've never had a problem with anyone, but it's happened. Otherwise-- wear easy-on-easy-off shoes, because you will be required to remove them at the checkpoint. If you're wearing a jacket or overshirt or sweater, etc., you'll also have to take it off for screening. Belt are almost always removed, so try to do without, find a subsitute (ribbon or a scarf can work for women), or just wait till after security to put it on. Finally, with the exception of shoes, it's much easier to stop before you get to the checkpoint, take everything off/out of your pockets & stuff it in your carryon, and then go to security. Or, if there's a line, do it while you're waiting, rather than once you get to the scanner.

Also-- there are rules for liquids of *any* sort. You can put whatever you like in your checked bag, but your carryon is restricted-- no more than 3 oz. of something, and all of them must fit in a quart size plastic baggie. At security, the baggie must be removed from you carryon & screened separately.
This includes any and all liquids, creams, lotions, and the like.


3. On the plane-- Okay, here's a biggie-- be nice to the flight attendants, because if there's a problem, they're going to be the ones you'll be asking for help.

Otherwise, get to the airport at least 2 hours early-- not *leave* for the airport, but be there. With security & flight delays and other problems, it never hurts to get there early.

Try to keep your carryon to a realistic size. Many people bring small suitcases, and everyone else on the plane must wait while they hold up boarding & getting off the plane by trying to get their oversixed bags in and out of the overhead
bins, usually banging some poor soul on the head.

Finally, plan to entertain yourself. My standard is a couple of books & my mp3 player. You cannot use a cell phone on the plane (FAA rule), so don't plan on that. Many people bring portable DVD players or laptops, but keep in mind the *very* cramped quarters on a flight.

Finally, bring a pair of earplugs. You may not need them, but all it takes is one screaming kid and you'll be grateful you have 'em.

Have a good trip!!

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