Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Interview & Resumé Tips - Write a Cover Letter

Your Cover Letter
A good resumé and a good cover letter should go hand-in-hand. Before you apply for a position (with us or with any employer), it's a good idea to take some time to write a cover letter that effectively introduces you and outlines the information contained in your resumé.

Need some help? We're happy to share some tips on preparing an effective cover letter!

Keep in mind that a letter of application or cover letter is the first introduction you make to the hiring professionals at American Family Insurance or any company with which you seek employment. As such, it represents their first impression of you! The words and style you choose should reflect you and your personality. Most importantly, they should highlight your background and work experiences.

Elements to include in your cover letter:

Sue, Human Resources
Identify the position(s) you are interested in applying for. Be sure to identify the Job ID(s) printed on the posting so we can match your application materials with the right job(s)
Highlight your work background, experiences and achievements
Describe how you meet the qualifications of the position
Keep it brief - approximately 3-4 paragraphs

Here's an example of a cover letter format you might consider:


American Family Insurance
Human Resources Department - Job ID XXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

PARAGRAPH I - THE OPENING: State the exact job title you are applying for, briefly explain why you are interested in the position and how you learned of the opportunity.

PARAGRAPH II - THE BODY: If you are using a resumé, refer the reader to it. Point out how your work experience meets the qualifications for the position. Do not simply repeat what is on your resumé! Use this paragraph to identify your key skills and abilities. Use strong action verbs, descriptive adjectives and adverbs (for example, it's better to say "I successfully led a large project team responsible for…" rather than "I was responsible for managing project teams.").

PARAGRAPH III - THE CLOSING: Use this paragraph to ask for an interview. Indicate when you are available and how you can be contacted. Enthusiastically restate your interest in the position. Thank the reader for any considerations or courtesies extended to you.



Please remember that this cover letter format is only an example of a style you might use. There are many others and you may choose any that you like!

Please also note that American Family, like many employers, strongly prefers to receive resumés and letters of application electronically rather than in paper form. This can actually save you time and money as well - no need to spend hours formatting your resumé and letter and no need to spend your hard-earned cash getting them printed and mailed! Just be sure both are clear, concise, truthful and accurate (and don't forget to spell-check!).

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