Friday, June 13, 2008

Golf Guide For Beginners - Tips And Info

I sincerely hope that the information that I will be providing will make your experience with golf an even more enjoyable and rewarding experience than it was for me. Enjoy!

In my opinion there are three things necessary to get started playing golf properly. Beside a desire to learn, the first and most obvious of the three is you need golf equipment, secondly, you have to have some basic knowledge of how to swing a golf club and the basic rules of the game, and last but certainly not least is learning "Golf Etiquette". As you will note I will keep emphasizing the "Etiquette" part of golf and as you become a more experienced player you it will become clear to you why.

Since the first item I noted as a requirement to play was Equipment, some recommendations I would make to acquire equipment are as follows: Golf equipment can be very pricey so it is important to know the type of equipment that is right for you before you make any substantial investments. Golf Clubs can range from as little as $150 per set to as much as $2,000 or more for the new, most advanced Hi- Tech equipment.

My recommendation for someone starting out is to buy a used set of clubs, either at a golf store or garage sale, borrow a set from a relative or friend, or purchase a starter set form your local golf or sporting goods store ie; Dick's Sporting Goods, Golfsmith, Modells, Walmart, etc.. If you decide to purchase a new starter set or a used set of clubs you should ask to speak to the resident golf professional ( Dick's or Golfsmith would offer this service). He should be able to recommend equipment that will allow you to get started without spending an exhorbitant amount of money. It will also give you a chance to experience the game and determine whether it is right for you.

As much as I love golf there are people who have no interest or desire to play. In conversation with them I usually find that either they have tried it, found it too difficult and gave up, or they were into other hobbies such as fishing, boating and did not think golf was an athletic enough sport for them. I'm assuming that if you're reading this that you want to learn to play golf. One of the topics of a subsequent writing will be how to LEARN TO PLAY the right way. It you want to give yourself a fair chance to see if you really enjoy the game you have to learn properly. Golf is not as easy as it looks and since we can't all be Tiger Woods, us mere mortals have to work a little harder at it if we want to learn to play well. Forgive my digression, but I will do that from time to time to emphasize a point. The next writing will be about learning how to play, so back to equipment.

The beginning golfer does not need to carry 14 clubs ( the approved amount of clubs allowed to be carried under USGA - United States Golf Association rules). When I first started playing I had a golf bag I borrowed, A driver, 3 wood, 5 wood, 5 iron, 7 iron, 9 iron, sand wedge and a putter and it was more than enough clubs to play. The different numbered clubs are used for different distances. For example, the Driver is the least lofted club, which means you can achieve the most distance utilizing this club.The subsequent clubs noted, 3 wood, 5 wood, 5, 7 & 9 irons and sand wedge all have increasing angles of loft respectively, so as the number increases on the club the resulting distance will decrease accordingly. Each number will progressively represents about a 10 to 20 yard variance depending on one's ability and if you are using a wood or an iron. As you begin to play you will learn more about when and why you use the different clubs but the important thing is to get started. Grab your clubs and get ready to learn to play"The Right Way".

Car Purchase: Top 5 Tips Before To Buy A Car

For the purpose of mobility, there is a need to own a vehicle. Through the years and in almost all societies, owning and driving a car has somehow become a status symbol because it is quite logical that owning up such a vehicle is not always affordable.

These days, however, people have greater chances of buying a car because there are practically more options in transactions.

If you are aiming to purchase a car, it would be wise if you would take into consideration several factors. Initially, you need to decide whether you want to buy a new or a used car. If you have enough money to spend, of course, buying a new car is the most advisable and logical thing to do.

New cars are always on top quality and are guaranteed to deliver good and reliable performances. On the other hand, if your budget is quite limited, you can opt to purchase a second-hand car, which are available at car auctions or through used car dealers and brokers.

When buying such refurbished and reconditioned cars, it is imperative that you look at several considerations, particularly, the number of the car's previous owners, accident and mechanical history and maintenance requirements.

When purchasing a new car, it would surely be helpful if you would take note of the following advices and recommendations. These are considered the basic and important things and activities you should do before car purchase.

1. If you are aiming to find and secure the best and most reasonable deals when purchasing a car, it would be advisable if you would make the acquisition on the period from July to October and on the second half of December.

It is a know fact that cars are basically less costly on these periods. Annually, the periods also coincide with the usual periods car dealers usually launch and implement significant car purchase discounts. Discounts of a few percent surely would mean a lot of savings.

2. Do a comparison shop first. There are numerous used car dealers in the community and all of them are aiming to cut the throat of each other.

That is why you can be sure there is intense competition, which usually comes in the form of contests to lure more customers by lowering prices. Of course, dealers offering the best and most competitive prices win, and you should do business with them.

3. Always remember that cars that would be ordered from a car plant or facility must not cost more when compared to the prices of cars on the lot or the showroom. Many car buyers are fooled when dealers charge extra costs for cars that need to be ordered from plants.

Likewise, you should be wary about cars that need to be sourced or located by the dealer from another dealership. Usually, used car dealers implement additional, yet, unnecessary fees for such service.

4. It is illegal for car dealers to sell cars that lack price invoice sticker or MSRP. The price tags in the showroom should always be the actual price you would need to pay if you are making the purchase. No more, no less.

5. Lastly, it would be wise if you would do your own research of the car model or brand you are purchasing. Carmakers and marketers hire the best advertisers. So at times, do not fully believe ads for they have been developed and produced to awe and lure buyers.

Information About Used Car Loans

Getting a used car loan is an option if you don't have the funds required to buy a new car. It is an easier option and way to realize your dream of having your own vehicle. The first step is to find out about lending options whether it is at a financing company or through online services to find affordable finance options. There are a few steps that you need to go through which include finding out the exact price of the vehicle, estimating the amount required and borrowing the amount that you are easily able to pay back in installments.

The need for a used car loan is specifically suited for individuals with bad credit and are deliberately formatted to favor such holders. If you have bad credit due to defaults, arrears, bankruptcy or a delinquent credit history you can still get the car that you need or desire. The options that are available to people with good credit are now also available to bad credit holders, whether it be secured or unsecured based on personal choice and ability.

The market for used car loan for bad credit holders has definitely gotten easier but you have to be very careful and make sure you arm yourself with a lot of research. Interest rates tend to be higher and that can affect the monthly repayments. Before making any decisions, applicants should put in a little bit of an effort and do some research and arm themselves with knowledge before making any further decisions. Applicants should compare quotes of used car loans that are offered by various lenders.

There are many available sources for research that you can utilize. If the method of applying for a loan seems lengthy or too complex, you can take advantage of brokers that do almost 90% of the work for you. Also customer call centers of the various lenders are just a phone call away. If you have bad credit or just can't afford a new car, consider the option of a used car auto loan.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Personal loans – a smart way to finance your needs

There are times when most of us need to take out some form of finance to help us to get the things we want in life, and there are many different forms of finance available to help us do this. If you are looking to by a home you can enjoy a choice of mortgage loans, for the purchase of a vehicle there are car loans, for every day needs there are credit cards, and for paying off expensive debts you can get consolidation loans.

Another form of finance is a personal loan, and these loans can be used for pretty much any purpose, so whatever you are thinking of purchasing or doing with the money a personal loan could be a smart and effective way to finance your needs. You will find that there are a number of competitive personal loans available from a variety of lenders, and you should therefore be able to find a personal loan that suits you in terms of interest rate and repayment terms.

You can use your personal loan for all sorts of purposes, such as buying a vehicle, treating yourself to a holiday, funding a wedding, purchasing items for your home, and just about any other purpose. You will be able to look forward to affordable repayments with your personal loan, making your purchase more affordable, and by comparing a range of different personal loans you can find the one that suits your needs and your pocket.

You need to bear in mind that eligibility requirements for personal loans can vary from one lender to another, and other areas such as interest rates and repayment terms can also vary, which is why it is important that you take the time to compare a range of loans from different lenders. You can use the Internet to compare different personal loan deals in order to find the best one for you.

Browsing and comparing personal loans from different lenders can be a time consuming process, and you need to also remember that getting a personal loan may prove more difficult now than in the past because of the effects of the global credit crunch. With these factors in mind you may find that the best way to find an affordable and suitable personal loan is through a specialist broker, who can search the market on your behalf and find a loan that fits in with your needs and your budget.

When you apply for a personal loan through a broker you will only have to complete your details one, and the broker will do all the searching and legwork on your behalf, enabling you to enjoy a stress free way of finding the right personal loan.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Needs Tips and Suggestions: Car Buying

When you are ready to buy a new car, it is important to take your time, do some research, and shop around. Before making a final decision on the purchase of a new car, there are many factors to consider.

Choosing a Vehicle to Suit Your Needs

If you are a cost-conscious consumer who is concerned with fuel prices, it is important to do your homework before buying a new car. First you must ask yourself what size vehicle you require. Those who are looking to save gas or gain better fuel economy should choose the smallest vehicle that will meet their needs. Vehicles that weigh one-third less than other vehicles will generally use one-third less fuel.

Find out how many cylinders the vehicle has as well as how many miles per gallon the vehicle uses on the highway and in the city. Car dealers often post the average fuel economy and other information on the windows of the vehicles. If not, this information can be found online.

While shopping for a car, keep an open mind. Many times people wind up with vehicles they didn't intend on purchasing before they started their quest. After researching a vehicle they sometimes find out it isn't what they thought they wanted.

Dealing With Salespeople

When entering a car sales lot, salespeople usually descend upon potential buyers like vultures. They can be intimidating and annoying to some, but depending on the attitude of the salesperson, they can be helpful to others. Don't pull any punches when dealing with a salesperson. If you are interested in a particular make and model of a vehicle, politely make it clear that you don't want to waste their time or yours looking at vehicles you're not truly interested in. Doing so right off the bat will save valuable time and help prevent needless headaches.

If cars are not clearly priced, don't tell the salesperson how much you are willing to spend. Instead, tell the salesperson what type of vehicle you're looking for and the top number of miles you're willing to accept. If you tell the salesperson how much you're willing to spend up front, chances are they will just so happen to have the vehicle you want for just that price. Be smart and don't give in to the friendliness of the salesperson. The salesman isn't there to be your friend. Salespeople are trained to win your trust in order to make a sale.

Take your time shopping for a car. Don't be pressured into buying from the first or second place of business no matter how much you like the vehicle. Allow yourself plenty of time to comparison shop and take lots of detailed notes. That way you can refer to the notes and alleviate any confusion regarding mileage or other important factors.

To Trade or Not to Trade

Trading in a car is an easy way to be rid of it, but that isn't always a wise decision. If your car is in good condition for its age, you can usually get more for the vehicle by selling it yourself. Dealers want to make a profit on your old car as well as the car you're buying, so traders beware. Research the blue book value of the vehicle before going to the dealer. If you are financially able to wait and sell the vehicle outright, then by all means do so.

If a dealer is willing to offer a credit for a used vehicle that sounds too good to be true, chances are they will make up for it by hiding the loss in the selling price of the new vehicle. The customer ultimately ends up losing the money they stood to make on the trade-in when the dealer adds the trade-in amount to the new vehicle price. In this case the consumer would benefit more by donating the vehicle and claiming it as a charitable gift.

If you owe a substantial amount on a vehicle you're considering for trade, be very cautious. Dealers often tout promises of paying off a vehicle no matter the amount owed, but this type of advertising borders on deception. Unscrupulous salespeople don't carefully explain their calculations. Car dealers will pay off any vehicle no matter the price, but quite often they add on the amount still owed on the other vehicle to the new loan. Essentially the customer ends up making payments on a vehicle they no longer own. Doing this creates something called "upside down credit." The customer ends up with a huge debt for a vehicle that isn't worth the amount owed. In this case it's wise to either try selling the vehicle yourself or hold off until the debt is paid down to a manageable level.

Test Drives

It is crucial to carefully test drive a vehicle. When taking a test drive, listen carefully for irregular sounds. Even someone who isn't a car mechanic can generally detect mechanical problems just by using their senses. Have the stereo off when driving the vehicle so you're able to detect any unusual noises. Pay close attention to the feel of the vehicle as well, and make yourself aware of any unusual vibrations, pops, or other noises that may indicate a problem. Don't let an overzealous salesperson convince you that nothing is wrong with the car. If your instincts tell you something is wrong, more than likely there is a problem.

Some car dealerships will allow you to take a car home for a day or two. If the car dealership you're working with offers this option, takes the vehicle home and drive it as you normally would. This will allow you time to find any problems or concerns with the vehicle.

Once You Find the Right Car

When you finally find the car that meets all your criteria and are ready to negotiate a price, look the car over for any visible problems. Check the tires for excessive wear or dry rot. Be sure to check the inside areas of tread that aren't visible as well as the areas that are easy to inspect. If the tires need to be replaced right away, you can plan on spending a hefty chunk of change in short order. Take this into consideration when making your offer. In addition, point out any other dings or blemishes to the salesperson. Most dents can be easily removed, and if the paint is not missing or cracked, the repair may become virtually invisible. Most professional car dealerships are willing to correct any defects or problems concerning the vehicle in order to make the customer happy.

Inspect the contract carefully before signing. Make sure any and all repairs are listed in the contract. Also make sure any and all warranties are fully understood and written into the contract as well. Any repairs not made before the sale or written into the contract might not be honored.


New cars come with high-value warranties that provide piece of mind as well as essential protection. Used cars sometimes come with limited warranties, but many of the warranties on used vehicles only cover the drive train for the first month. Some dealers offer an extended warranty plan. Although these warranties are rather expensive, they are well worth the price. Replacement parts for vehicles can be very expensive, but labor is where most of the expense is incurred. Bumper-to-bumper warranties that cover a vehicle for three years or 36,000 miles are worth the piece of mind and protection they afford. After spending thousands of dollars on a used vehicle, it's wise to spend the additional amount for the warranty. The first time you use it you'll be thanking yourself

What to Do If You Lost the Software CD for Your Printer or Scanner

With springtime and summer months it will give you many chances for yard sales and great deals on getting computer products that may not have the software with it. If the product still works this may not an issue. Don't turn down a great buy just because there is no software with the item. You can still get software for the product. Even if you lost the software for your printer or scanner you can use these tips. Here are several ways that you can do that.

Online at the manufactures website you can look it up there. Everything that you need to know is device that you are trying to hookup itself. It will have the name of the manufacturer on it and also the model ID. Once you located this information you can go to your favorite search engine and search for the manufacturer at their website look for tech support, or driver's software downloads. Usually these pages are easy to navigate and you will be able to find the driver that you need to download to operate your new device. They will then give you instructions to download and where to save the file at. Then all you have to do is install your new device and it will find the software. If you do it this way, you may want to burn the files to CD for future reference.

Another way to see if you can install the device without software is to just plug in into your computer, sometimes Windows will have the file already preloaded on the computer from the factory. The device will find the software and install itself. Usually just plugging the device into the computer will allow it to find the correct software for the device. If it is a newer device then the software may be installed already.

If neither one of these two ways work for you the other option that you have is to contact the manufacturer of the product and advise them that you do not have the software and would like a replacement CD with the software drivers on it. This may cost you a little to purchase it but they will send it to you in the email. You may also be able to get the manuals for the device from them also. You may also be able to pick up software on eBay or another auction site online.

There is no need to pass up a great deal because of the software missing, there are options available to you that you can get software

How to Design and Plant a Garden in Small Spaces

Having fresh vegetables during summer months that you grew and picked yourself is priceless. If you have a small space in your yard you can make a garden. Here are some great tips to maximize that space to get the most plants and fresh vegetables in that small space. While most vegetable gardens are square or rectangle yours don't have to be if you are working with a small space you may have to get a little creative. This can be done.

When looking for a space chooses spaces that get direct sunlight that lasts about four to six hours a day. You don't want your garden shadowed by fences or trees. The garden will need sunny spots for your garden. Since you will be working with a small area you may want to break up your garden into different spots and areas of your yard. Each one of these spaces will need the direct sunlight.

If you are planting just a few vegetable plants in your garden you can do taller plants in one section so that the taller plants don't block the sunlight of the smaller ground plants. Another idea would be to plant the garden in a horseshoe shape with the taller plants on the one section then working your way around to the lower closer to the ground plants. The gardens don't have to be square any shape that will work in your space will work for a garden.

Working in a small area you may not be able to plant all the vegetable plants that you would like you have to choose which plants that you want the most. For me I would have a garden of nothing but corn on the cob, but your garden will be what ever you want the fresh vegetable. One way to maximize your space would be to build it up like a pyramid. You can build upwards and still plant many plants. For strawberries you can plant these in a pyramid area, this way you are not taking up much ground space but still able to plant many plants in that small area. Grapes can be used to create privacy fences, these are great because with some stakes and string you can arrange the grape vines to work in small spaces

There are many ways that you can design and plant many plants in a small space. When working with a small space don't think of the typical garden space and shape. You will have to get creative in order to get the most plants and returns on your plants for the season.

Photo Editing Software: Which One is Best for Your Needs

If you are like me you take many digital photos with your camera. Sometimes though the photos that you take need just some minor adjustments to make them really stand out and become awesome photos. Most camera software doesn't include the software that you need to make the adjustments that you need. They mostly only have software that will crop and rotate photos. But if you want to do more than that you will have to find software on your own. Here are some of the best software out there that you can use to manipulate your photo files.

Adobe Photoshop Elements is one well known photo editing software. It is easy to use and you can do many things with it. You can do allot of editing of your photos with this. You can import photos directly from your camera or Removable media. You can reduce red-eye, crop, rotate and adjust the color on the photos. You can touch up scratches with this and make the photo a smoother finish. You can do adjustments with this also.

For more advance photo editing capabilities get the regular Adobe Photoshop. You would have many more options with that and with the plug-ins available for Photoshop you can make major adjustments to photos. Photoshop is used by many professionals.

Google's Picasa is free and may just be what you need. You can download this from the website. You can import photos from your digital camera and Removable Media card also. It will do all the standard adjustments you can save these files to the computer. You can also upload to the web with the software with ease. With Picasa you can make a photo black and white, and write captions on the photos. They also allow you to zoom in closer on photos.

Corel Paint shop Pro is another great program to use. This one is most like Adobe Photoshop. It's easy to use and will allow you to make the adjustments to your photo to make them the perfect shot.

Great Summer Haircuts for Women

Summer time is a great time to get a new hairstyle. Many people will get shorter cooler cuts for the summer months. If you are having a hard time deciding what type of style you may want to get here are some suggestions of the popular cuts this summer for women. Not only is this a great chance to get a new haircut you can also get a new color or highlights for the summer.

The pony tail is still a popular summer hair do look, pulling your hair back and leaving some bangs is a great look and it is cooler also. If you are planning on wearing your hair in a pony tail allot this summer you can tell your hairdresser this and they can cut your hair so that it looks great pulled back. This is great if you don't want to cut any length off of it.

If you want to get a shorter hair cut the Bob is a great cut. This works with all types of face shapes, and while it can be a basic cut you can make the layers different for your own unique look. This can be really short or longer depending on your preferred length that you want to keep your hair. With a longer Bob, you still can pull your hair back in a pony tail, or style it differently to have different looks with this hairstyle. This is one of the easiest styles of haircuts that you can maintain. If your mornings are rushed you can quickly do your hair and have it look great all day. If you get layers you can still have it look fuller even if you don't have thick hair.

A layer cut is still in style. With layers your hair will look more natural, and you have many options with the look. This is another easy cut to maintain, and you can have all different lengths with the layers. Layers can be done with long hair or short hair. With layers you can curl your hair or leave it straight. This is one cut that looks great with highlights.

These are great summer haircuts that will make you cooler during the hot days of summer. And they are popular hairstyles that can be adapted for any face shape, and can be adjusted to suit your preferred length. You can get your hair cut as short as you like or leave the length that it is. If you are cutting off at least 12 inches of hair this summer, you may want to consider finding a salon that will donate your hair to locks of love

Wedding favors can be a big budget buster for a wedding couple. There are many ways that you can cut back on this cost but still have wonderful wedding favors. Some you can make yourself, others you enhance cheaper items to make them appear that you spent a great deal of money on them.

1. Candy bags favors:

These are inexpensive to make. All you need is some fancy fabric to make the bags to hold the candy in. Get some fancy matching ribbon for a drawstring and some candy. If you are going to attach a tag to the bags, you will want to get some fancy cardstock to make the tags.

You can use Candy Kisses or M&M's to put in the bags. On the side of the bag you will want to add a personalized touch with your names on the bag. You can print off your information on the computer using iron on paper which you can then iron on to the fabric. Or Print off little tags that you can attach to the ribbon that is used as a drawstring.

Depending on how many you need to make, you can have these sewed several months in advance and candy added right before the wedding. You can order special color M&M's from Hershey's website, this will add a personalized touch to your wedding.

2. Personalized Candy Wrappers

You can find these online by looking for Candy Wrapper Template. But the approximate size that you need is 4 7/16 by 4 ¼ inches. You can fit 2 of these per one sheet of paper. If you do this in Microsoft Publisher you move things around easier when you are designing them. These will fit standard size candy bars. After you print them you then wrap the wrapper around the candy bar and tape it on. You can design your own template by wrapping a piece of paper around the candy bar you are going to be using then measuring it. This can be fun to create your own wrappers. The nice thing about designing wrappers is that you don't have to put them only on candy bars.

3. Giving Candles as favors

You can buy plain votive candles at a warehouse and really decorate them to make them personalized for favors. Pick out the candles that you like and then you can print off stickers and add some silk flowers and a ribbon to each one. These don't have to be votive candles any candy you can find in a container in your budget can be substituted and decorated to be personalized for your wedding favors. Pillar candles can also be dressed up to give as favors. You can glue on some flowers and ribbon and add a tag to them to make them personalized candle favors.

These are just 3 suggestions to make your favors for your wedding without going over budget. There are many other ways that you can make your own wedding favors that will be remembered for years to come.

How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel

Microsoft has many keyboard short cuts available and built into the program that will make it so much easier to use and navigate Excel program. While you can still use the mouse to navigate through the workbooks and worksheets in Excel, sometimes it is really quicker and easier to use the keyboard shortcuts.

Opening new workbooks, and workbooks that have been previously opened you can use CTRL + N for a new one, and CTRL + O for an Excel file that you already had opened. If you have more sheets opened in one workbook, you can toggle between the open sheets by using CTRL +F6, although sometimes it may just be easier to click on the tabs at the bottom of the sheets to get to the right one it really depends on how many sheets are in each workbook.

Navigate the opened sheet:

To get to the first cell in the Excel sheet, just hit the "home" button. This is very useful if you are working in a huge file and don't want to spend the time scrolling up to the top. The "End" button will take you to the last entry in the sheet.

To move up one line, it's as easy as hitting the 'up arrow" and if you want to move down one line, you hut the "down arrow" on the keyboard. This is a great short cut if you are making allot of changes in the worksheet.

Selecting Text

To select text you can hold down the mouse key and select the text or click in the cell that you want to start, then while holding the "SHIFT" key click in the last cell that you want to select. This will highlight all the cells in the area then you can copy it.

Copy/pasting/Moving text

There are keyboard shortcuts that will help you move text so much easier.

To copy you want to be in the cell that you want to copy, click CTRL+C to copy. When you get to the cells you want to paste it, click CTRL + P to paste. CTRL+X will cut the text which will actually copy it, but allow you to move it. Once you hit CTRL+X you can then paste the data somewhere else in another cell in the book or in a new Excel sheet

Finding Help can be done quickly in Excel but hitting F1 this will open help. Microsoft has that built in and will actually work with most programs.

The Internet Offers Many Free Home Schooling Resources

The Internet is a great learning tool for anyone there is allot of information on the Internet that you can learn many things. But it's also becoming a great resource for home schoolers. While text books are still the usual way to learn when home schooling, using the resources on line also has many benefits. Most of the learning sites that you can go to are free of charge which is an added bonus.

With the short videos that are available on many sites like National Geographic site, your home schooled children can actually see the places and watch the places really come alive, instead of just looking a t a few photographs in a book. There are many learning sites like this that will show short learning videos for different things. Many of the Cable Television Channels have their websites that will help your student learn by watching short movies. Using the Television channel websites offer great resources for science projects as well as geography studies. They not only have projects, movies, but also learning games that are interactive for the children while they learn.

There are many sites that will say words in foreign languages, so you can help your children learn foreign languages easier. They will learn to pronounce the words correctly from listening to them on the websites. They will even have worksheets that you can print off for free that you can use as practice sheets or tests. Learning the foreign languages is not so difficult anymore.

There are many resources on line that you can find, such as free worksheets for all subjects. You can print them off, many will allow you to personalize them to what project or task that you are working on at the time.

The text books that are used in home school now have websites that will give you additional projects to do online. These are excellent sites to go to because they reinforce the material that you are teaching the children at that time. Some of the text book sites will have interactive activities for the children to learn more.

What to Do If You Can't Make Your Mortgage Payments

There are many things that you can do to prevent foreclosure on your home. If you are unable to make your mortgage payment for several months you could lose your home. Here are some ideals that you can try to do that could save you from facing foreclosure. Never wait till you can't get back on your feet. Always contact the lender as soon as there is a problem for best results.

Make the mortgage payment before any other payment. If you have credit card debt or unsecured loans you can go a month without paying these easier than not paying the mortgage. Usually the credit card bills and other loan payments are lower and should be easier to catch up then a huge mortgage payment.

Talk to the lender about other options that you may have. The lender doesn't want to foreclose on your home they are usually willing to work with you to get your payments current, and could adjust your payments till you find another job if you have lost your job. Always keep an open line of communication with your lender.

Some ways that they could work with you is giving you time to make up the late payments before taking legal action. This is great if you are in a temporary money situation. You may still have a negative mark on your credit, but it won't be as bad as if they foreclosed on your home.

They may be able to move the late payments to the end of the loan, making you current but extending your loan longer. While you will be paying more interest on the loan overall, this still gets you out of the current situation that your in. You may want to ask if they could forgive a payment or two. You wouldn't have to pay it back to them, but you could be current again. It never hurts to inquire about this one.

They may change the loan or refinance the loan for you. They could do this by lowering your payments and maybe getting you a lower interest rate.

If you are behind several payments you may be able to make up these late payments over the next few months by adding more money to your monthly payment. This again would get you current payments but would have a higher payment for awhile. If your money situation is temporary this may be a great option for you.

Great Summer Toys for Children

Summer is a great time to be a kid. The days are longer and you can play longer outside, and there are many things that you can do. There are some great toys and things that you can get your children this year that will let them get physical and allow them to be outside playing with their friends enjoying summer.

Sidewalk Chalk: All the kids love to express themselves with sidewalk chalk. They can make hopscotch boards on the sidewalk, make drawings and entertain themselves for many hours with the chalk. The sidewalk chalk is sold at many stores and is safe for the kids to play with. Crayola just made 3-D sidewalk chalk, where it comes with 3-D glasses so the artwork comes alive in 3 dimensions.

Water Balloons: What better way to spend a hot summer day then having a water balloon fight? This is one way to cool off and have fun.

Hasbro Soaker Water Bottle: This has a range of up to 20 feet, you can attach a 2 liter bottle to it that is filled with water and let the kids play with it outside.

Sandboxes: These are easy and will give the children many hours of enjoyment playing in the sandbox. They will build castles, roads and spend hours just playing in the sand.

Scooters and Bikes: Kids will really get their exercise on a scooter or a bike. These are great ways to get them active. If you get a scooter or a bike you will also want to invest in other safety items such as knee pads and helmets to keep them safe while riding these.

Trampolines: These are a great thing to have so that kids get exercise. These now come with great safety features such as side rails to prevent the children from falling off the trampoline and getting hurt.

Outdoor games: Bowling balls and bowling pins can be bought to play outside in the driveway. Getting basketball goals will keep the children active outside while playing. Setting up a volley ball net will allow them to play volley ball or badminton games with their friends

Know Your Rights as a Tenant

If you are renting property, you have certain rights and legal rights that are meant to protect you. Knowing these rights can prevent you from being taken advantage of. Landlords can not discriminate against you because of race, religion, sex, and children. These are usual rules that all landlords must follow and most people know these, but there are other tenant rights that you may not know about.

The property that you are renting must be suitable and safe to live in. This means that the electrical wiring must be safe, the plumbing must be in working order. There are no holes in the floors or the ceiling leaks. And it should be free from rats, mice and cockroaches. If it is an older property it must have no lead paint. Lead based paint should be removed and repainted with new paint prior to you moving in for safety reasons.

The landlord may have a key to your property but he can not come into your residence without permission or notice in advance. This doesn't mean that if you're on vacation or at work and there is an emergency that he has to have notice. Most of the times he is permitted to enter the premises if there is a true emergency that can not wait. But he can not come in just to snoop around your place.

Most states have limits on how much a landlord can ask for a deposit. This must be paid back to you when you move out sometimes they will have to pay interest on the deposit. Each state is different with that. There is also a time limit when they have to return your deposit after you move. If you don't get back your whole deposit they have to give you an itemized listing of why the money wasn't returned. This could be cleaning, repairs, or unpaid rent.

Important tips for job seekers: Interview Do's and Do'not

We all know the importance of making a positive impression - and that's never more important than during a job interview! A little preparation and homework in advance can help reduce the stress of an interview and give you a game plan for success. Here are some tips to help you prepare for an interview with American Family Insurance.

Interview Do's
How to Prepare
Know yourself - your goals, your skills and your plans.

Know your resumé and be prepared to discuss your past experiences in detail. Spend some time before the interview recalling your past accomplishments and contributions.

Come prepared with a list of any questions you have about the position and our company.

Dress professionally but keep in mind our office attire is business casual. Suits are not required!

Practice, practice, practice! Review the information on your resumé and recall as many professional experiences as you can - projects you've led or been a part of, contributions you've made, successes and achievements of which you're especially proud. Be prepared to discuss specific work situations, including actions you took and the end results of those actions. Think of the interview as your chance to tell us stories about your work experiences.

Arrive on time for your interview. Make sure that if you don't know the way you call ahead and get directions ahead of time.

Stacy, Education
How to Interview
Relax! We consider you to be a guest with us, and you're not the only one who wants to make a good impression - we do too!

Show enthusiasm and interest.

Use good eye contact.

Be specific when answering your questions. Provide specific, not vague or hypothetical information.

Show confidence in your abilities.

Listen attentively.

Be honest and straightforward - if you can't think of a good example or answer it's better to say that than to provide a vague, rambling response.
Interview Don'ts
How Not to Prepare
Don't apply for a job without first considering your experiences as they relate to the qualifications for the job.

Don't wait until the last minute to think about what you'll want to say.

Take some time to recall relevant work experiences so you're prepared to talk about them.
How Not to Interview
Don't ramble on aimlessly. Unnecessary details can take up a lot of valuable interview time and make you appear unfocused.

Don't come across as unprepared or lacking in ambition. Don't rush your answers just to avoid awkward silences.

Don't be negative - about yourself, our company, or any past employers.

If you are selected for an interview, you'll want to know more about what interviewing with American Family is like - so you can be as prepared as possible! To help you out, we've prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions, or "FAQs," about interviewing at AmFam

Important tips for job seekers: How write a resume

Before you apply for a position (with us or with any employer) make a small but important investment in your future - take the time to write a resumé that clearly and effectively communicates what you have to offer to prospective employers.

Need some help? We're happy to share a few tips on preparing an effective resumé:

Keep in mind that a resumé should let an employer know who you are - your education, experience, skills, abilities and achievements. Think of it as a written sales presentation about you! It's intended to quickly give employers a sense of your skills - and to share the story of where you've been and where you're going. Hiring professionals use your resumé to determine how your background compares with the needs of the job they're filling, as well as what strengths you have to offer compared with other candidates.

Your resumé should be organized and easy to read and understand. Above all, grammar and spelling should be perfect! Below is a sample resumé.

Carl, Claims
Elements to Include in Your Resumé
Personal Data
Phone number
E-mail address
Employment Objective
An optional statement indicating what position you are seeking and how your background suits that position.

Work Experience
List your current position first and work back in time. Include:

Job title
Dates of employment (month and year)
Description of your duties and responsibilities
Professional achievements
List your formal education, including degrees and certificates. Also be sure to list any courses you've taken since leaving school that are related to the position you're seeking.

Typing/keyboard words per minute
Knowledge of equipment operation (Can you drive a forklift? Pilot a helicopter? Or most complex of all, un-jam a copier?)
Software proficiencies, especially those related to the job you're seeking
Professional Affiliations & Achievements
Memberships in professional organizations
Job-related extracurricular activities
Job-related certifications
Volunteer work and activities related to the position you're seeking
Here's an example of a resumé format you might consider:

Terry B. Smith
1313 Mockingbird Ln.
Your Town, WI 53783
(608) 242-4100

Career Objective: Administrative Assistant

Professional Experience
08/86 - Present Executive Secretary to the Vice President of Claims
American Family Insurance, Madison, Wisconsin
Description of the position, including job skills and knowledge, actions and results.

06/84 - 08/86 Secretary to Sales Manager
Blardy Company, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Description of the position, including job skills and knowledge, actions and results.

02/81 - 06/84 Clerk Typist
W.T. Rogers, Inc., Saint Joseph, Missouri
Description of the position, including job skills and knowledge, actions and results.

Continuing Education:

Microsoft Office Suite
Advanced Microsoft Access
Speaking to Persuade
Customer Service Skills

Madison Area Technical College, Madison, Wisconsin
Associate Degree - Office Mid-Management

Skills Microsoft Office Suite
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Project Microsoft Outlook 2000
Internet Explorer 5.5

Words Per Minute: 95

Professional Affiliations & Achievements
1995 - Present Member, National Association of Administrative Assistants

1990 - 1999 Member, Optimist Club
Actively involved with many community projects.

Please remember that this resumé format is only an example of a style you might use. There are many others and you may choose any that you like!

You should also know that American Family Insurance, like many employers, strongly prefers to receive resumés electronically rather than in paper form. This can actually save you time and money as well - no need to spend hours formatting your resumé and no need to spend your hard-earned cash getting it printed and mailed! Just be sure it's clear, concise, truthful and accurate (and don't forget to spell-check!).

Interview & Resumé Tips - Write a Cover Letter

Your Cover Letter
A good resumé and a good cover letter should go hand-in-hand. Before you apply for a position (with us or with any employer), it's a good idea to take some time to write a cover letter that effectively introduces you and outlines the information contained in your resumé.

Need some help? We're happy to share some tips on preparing an effective cover letter!

Keep in mind that a letter of application or cover letter is the first introduction you make to the hiring professionals at American Family Insurance or any company with which you seek employment. As such, it represents their first impression of you! The words and style you choose should reflect you and your personality. Most importantly, they should highlight your background and work experiences.

Elements to include in your cover letter:

Sue, Human Resources
Identify the position(s) you are interested in applying for. Be sure to identify the Job ID(s) printed on the posting so we can match your application materials with the right job(s)
Highlight your work background, experiences and achievements
Describe how you meet the qualifications of the position
Keep it brief - approximately 3-4 paragraphs

Here's an example of a cover letter format you might consider:


American Family Insurance
Human Resources Department - Job ID XXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

PARAGRAPH I - THE OPENING: State the exact job title you are applying for, briefly explain why you are interested in the position and how you learned of the opportunity.

PARAGRAPH II - THE BODY: If you are using a resumé, refer the reader to it. Point out how your work experience meets the qualifications for the position. Do not simply repeat what is on your resumé! Use this paragraph to identify your key skills and abilities. Use strong action verbs, descriptive adjectives and adverbs (for example, it's better to say "I successfully led a large project team responsible for…" rather than "I was responsible for managing project teams.").

PARAGRAPH III - THE CLOSING: Use this paragraph to ask for an interview. Indicate when you are available and how you can be contacted. Enthusiastically restate your interest in the position. Thank the reader for any considerations or courtesies extended to you.



Please remember that this cover letter format is only an example of a style you might use. There are many others and you may choose any that you like!

Please also note that American Family, like many employers, strongly prefers to receive resumés and letters of application electronically rather than in paper form. This can actually save you time and money as well - no need to spend hours formatting your resumé and letter and no need to spend your hard-earned cash getting them printed and mailed! Just be sure both are clear, concise, truthful and accurate (and don't forget to spell-check!).

Top Ten Tips To Building A Better Burger

Summer's here and if you're anything like me, you've already made that annual trip to the store to refill the propane tank on your backyard grill.

One thing I often hear from guests is that my barbequed burgers actually taste good ... rather than just being hard and dry as hockey pucks like so many of those traditional family reunion barbequed hamburgers we've all endured from time to time.

In honor of the hallowed summertime tradition of outdoor cooking, here are some of my favorite tips for finding your way to Hamburger Heaven in your own backyard.

1) Don't build your burger from low fat meat. Get a package of ground beef with an 80/20 or even a 70/30 ratio of meat to fat. The fat keeps it moist and flavorful and drains off during the cooking process so the calorie count ultimately isn't much higher than the lower fat varieties ... but the flavor is so much better. Be aware, thought, that the higher the fat content in your meat, the more the patty will shrink while cooking. So plan accordingly.

2) For additional flavor, try mixing ground beef with other ground meats like pork, sausage or lamb. A good ratio is two parts beef to one part other meat. Also, if you use ground turkey to save money, keep in mind that turkey is probably one of the least stable burger materials you can find, so mix it 50/50 with ground beef to keep those burgers in one piece on the grill.

3) When forming burgers, mix the ingredients together gently, handle your burger patties as little as possible, and don't fully compress the meat ... remember, you're not making meatloaf or meatballs. If you form the raw beef into patties with wet hands, the grease won't stick to your skin nearly as much.

4) If you like adding extra things to your ground beef before making patties, make sure to keep the pieces small. Large chunks of onion or garlic make the patty unstable and more apt to fall apart while cooking. Be sure to finely chop or grate all added veggies.

5) Some particularly tasty additions to the burger mix are: freshly ground pepper, minced garlic, finely chopped onion, Worcestershire sauce, grated carrot, crushed vinegar & salt potato chips, or soy sauce. I've discovered that burger purists tend to insist on top-of-the-line ground beef (Sirloin) with nothing added but salt and pepper (after grilling). Honestly, I love a good, pure burger ... but sometimes it's fun to add the extras for variety. Also, if you add steak sauce or applesauce to your burger patties, try mixing in some dry bread crumbs, quick-cooking oats, or beaten eggs to help stabilize the burgers.

6) Cook over a medium flame rather than a high one. You want to cook the patties just slow enough to cook all the way through. You don't want them charred on the outside and a raw mess on the inside.

7) Don't press down on the cooking burger patties with your spatula or flip the burger using tongs that squeeze the burger. You'll just be squeezing out all the delicious juiciness and leaving behind a much dryer and tougher finished product. Make an indentation with your thumb in the center of each burger before cooking to help keep them flat without squishing them under the spatula.

8) Never -- I repeat, "Never!" -- poke your cooking burger patties with a fork or other pointy object. It's a guaranteed trip to Hockey Puck Hamburger Land when all those delicious juices pour out through that hole.

9) The less you move the burgers around on the grill, the better looking the grill marks. Ideally, you only want to turn the burger once, but be sure to focus on safety and full cooking more than making the prettiest burgers on the block. You'll hear mixed messages from burger aficionados about what temperature to cook the burgers and how often to flip them, but I tend to not worry about the perfect grill marks and have found that frequent flipping tends to keep the juices in the burger a bit better.

10) Let the burgers rest for a minute or two before serving to give a chance for the juices to settle. Serving too soon may cause the burgers to dry out. Rather than melting cheese onto the burgers during the grilling process, I like to set the cheese slices on top of the finished burgers while they're "resting." The cheese melts without dripping off the burger onto the grill. When the cheese is done melting, the burgers are done resting and ready to serve.

Add your favorite toppings and enjoy!

Make the Homework Hour Happy Hour: Top 10 Tips

Top 10 Tips to Handle Homework:
Set Up a Study Area—We've mentioned the importance of having a designated study area before—read our article on study stadiums here—create an area that is homework only, so that when your child sits in the homework area, the work gets done.
Make Materials Available to the Homework Area—what tools does your child need to get the homework done? Use a container or box to keep all supplies handy: paper, sharpened pencils, pen, erasers, protractors, crayons, and calculator. Anything that your child may need access to during homework should be accessed easily so that he won't have to rummage around for it.
Remove the Distractions— If the study area is the dining room table, and a TV is nearby, make sure that the TV is off. Or if the area is next to a window, and the falling leaves are just too distracting, switch places, or consider a change of location. But don't be too stringent, some people work best with a little background noise, like a radio playing quietly in the background.
Set a Time Frame—there is a 10 minute rule of thumb for how long homework should take: 10 minutes for grade 1, then add ten minutes for every grade that follows. Following the formula, a child in grade six should have 1 hour of homework (60 minutes); a student in grade 12 should have two hours (120 minutes). So base your time allotment roughly on this schedule, and tailor to meet your child's needs—longer if studying for a test or for kids in advanced classes, less time for those who work quickly, or who finish the work in class.
Offer Guidance—but don't do the homework for your child. Be close by, maybe sit at the table too, or in the next room, and read the newspaper, or read a book, so if your child asks a question she won't have to go looking for you.
Use An Agenda— it's the key organizational tool for homework. They remind a student of tasks to be completed, and are also a great place to write down questions to ask the teacher, or for you to leave reminders for your child like don't forget that you have a dentist appointment at 11—remind Mr. Green!
Stay Informed—talk to the teacher when you can, find out about upcoming projects that may require extra help, and find out how long the teacher feels that assigned homework should take. How does your child fit into the class average — it's good to be informed.
Be a Role Model! When you set about determining the homework hour, practice what you preach. If this is the hour to do the things that need to be done, then join your child in the homework area to pay the bills, for example. Set a good example by your actions, read a book, do some research, or bring something home from work to complete.
Offer Praise—you can never hear too much of the good stuff. Kids will appreciate that their efforts are not going unrecognized, and you'll help bolster their confidence.
Watch Frustration Levels—don't let the homework hour become the hated hour. If your child is feeling stressed by the homework, or just can't master the concepts, then its time to seek help. Homework is unfortunately, a part of school—but it doesn't have to be the worst part

Sleep Disorders: How Much Sleep Do You Need?

The sleep requirements for each person depend on many factors, including age. For example, in general:

Infants require about 16 hours a day
Teenagers need about 9 hours on average
Most adults need 7 to 8 hours a night for the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as 5 hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day
Women in the first 3 months of pregnancy often need several more hours of sleep than usual
However, experts say that if you feel drowsy during the day, even during boring activities, you haven't had enough sleep.

Sleep Deprivation Debits
The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he or she has been deprived of sleep in previous days. Getting too little sleep creates a "sleep debt," which is much like being overdrawn at a bank. Eventually, your body will demand that the debt be repaid. We don't seem to adapt to getting less sleep than we need, while we may get used to a sleep-depriving schedule, our judgment, reaction time, and other functions are still impaired.

Consequences of Too Little Sleep
Too little sleep may cause:

Memory problems
A weakening of your immune system, increasing your chance of becoming sick
Increase in perception of pain
Sleep Deprivation Risky Business
Many studies make it clear that sleep deprivation is dangerous. Sleep-deprived people who are tested by using a driving simulator or by performing a hand-eye coordination task perform as badly as or worse than those who are intoxicated.

Sleep deprivation also magnifies alcohol's effects on the body, so a fatigued person who drinks will become much more impaired than someone who is well rested.

Driver fatigue is responsible for an estimated 100,000 motor vehicle accidents and 1,500 deaths each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Since drowsiness is the brain's last step before falling asleep, driving while drowsy can -- and often does -- lead to disaster. Caffeine and other stimulants cannot overcome the effects of severe sleep deprivation.

The National Sleep Foundation says that if you have trouble keeping your eyes focused, if you can't stop yawning, or if you can't remember driving the last few miles, you are probably too drowsy to drive safely.

Tips for building strong bones in kids

Building strong bones takes a combination of calcium, vitamin D and exercise starting in childhood. Here are guidelines on how much youngsters need:

Young children should consume about 800 milligrams of calcium a day. But between ages 9 and 18, when bone growth speeds up, that requirement almost doubles to 1,300 mg. That's about three cups of fat-free or low-fat milk plus additional calcium-rich foods, such as broccoli, cheese, yogurt, or calcium-fortified orange juice.
Children and adolescents need at least 200 international units of vitamin D. Milk and orange juice often is fortified with the vitamin; a few other foods contain it. Sunlight is a major source. About 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure weekly is enough for many children, although skin pigmentation alters sun absorption so black children need more. The goal is to get just enough sun for vitamin D production while avoiding too much of its skin-damaging rays. Babies who are breast-fed only and older children at risk for vitamin D deficiency should receive supplements.
Children of all ages need about an hour of physical activity most days, and 10 to 15 minutes at a time can add up. Weight-bearing exercises strengthen bone, anything from team sports like soccer to simply jumping rope or running around. The goal is for the arms or legs to bear all the body's weight.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children be screened for calcium-deficit diets and too little exercise, to identify those whose lifestyles put them at risk for osteoporosis later in life.

Auto Selling: How to Write a Good Used Car Classified Ad?

If trying to sell a car independently, advertising is critical. Most car buyers choose to purchase from a dealership because of the large selection of vehicles. On the other hand, some buyers favor independent car sellers because these vehicles usually have lower price tags. The used car classified section of the newspaper is loaded with vehicles for sale. For this matter, it is easy for your ad to become lost in the shuffle. Thus, writing a good or effective used car classified ad is very important. Because classified ads are expensive and charge per line, some car sellers slack on the details. However, if eager to sell your vehicle quickly, it is necessary to include as much detail as possible. Consider the following tips for writing a good used car classified ad.

What is the Car’s Make, Model, and Year? - Providing information about the vehicle’s make, model, and year seem obvious. Yet, you may be surprised at the number of used car ads that lack this information. Car buyers do not have the time, nor the patience to sift through car ads with little information. To avoid being unnoticed, include the make, model, and year in the first line. If possible, add bold print (ex. 2004 Toyota Camry).

Mileage - What is the vehicle’s mileage? Even if the mileage is high, include this information. However, make sure the price tag is appropriate for the mileage. Car buyers are savvy, and many will research the car’s worth. If hoping to find a quick buyer, price the car fairly.

Give a Vehicle Description - What is the vehicle’s color? Is it a four door or a coupe? If the vehicle is in good condition, or needs minor repairs, mention this in the classified ad. Avoid long descriptions. For the most part, one or two words are sufficient for describing the vehicle. Descriptive terms such as good condition, mint condition, reliable, fair condition, or junker are appropriate. If the vehicle needs cosmetic repairs or maintenance such as a paint job, tires, brakes, etc., include this information within the ad.

What is the Price? – After listing the make, model, year, mileage, and description, list the asking price for the vehicle. Is the price negotiable? Will you accept the best offer?

Contact Information – Include contact information in the classified ad. Never list an address. By doing so, eager buyers may show up at your home unexpected. Rather, include a cell phone or home phone number.

Ten Tips You Need to Survive College

1. If you haven't already registered, try not to schedule back to back classes. You'll wear yourself out besides missing the best times to study--right before and right after class.

2. Begin the first day of class. Know what's expected of you Take notes from the first day even if it's routine stuff you think you already know.

3. Establish a routine time to study for each class. For every hour you spend in class, you will probably need to study two hours outside class. Studying for each subject should be at the same time, same place, if possible. Study includes more than just doing your homework. You will need to go over your notes from by class, labeling, editing, and making sure you understand them. Study your syllabus daily to see where you are going and where you have been. Be sure to do reading assignments. (Don't put them off just because there's not a written assignment.) Read ahead whenever possible. Prepare for each class as if there will be a pop quiz.

4. Establish a place to study. Your place should have a desk, comfortable chair, good lighting, all the supplies you need, etc., and of course, should be as free of distractions as possible. It should not be a place where you routinely do other things. It should your study place.

5. Do as much of your studying in the daytime as you can. What takes you an hour to do during the day may take you an hour and a half at night.

6. Schedule breaks. Take a ten minute break after every hour of study. If possible, avoid long blocks of time for studying. Spread out several short study sessions during the day.

7. Make use of study resources on campus. Find out about and use labs, tutors, videos, computer programs, and alternate texts. Sign up for an orientation session in the campus library and computer facilities. Get to know your professors and advisors. Ask questions. "I didn't know," or "I didn't understand" is never an excuse.

8. Find at least one or two students in each class to study with. Studies show that students who study with someone routinely make better grades. You will probably find yourself more motivated if you know someone else cares about what you are doing in the class. Teaching a concept or new idea to someone else is a sure way for you to understand it. Studying in a group or with a partner can sometimes become too social. It is important to stay focused.

9. Study the hardest subject first. Work on your hardest subjects at a time when you are fresh. Putting them off until you're tired compounds the problem.

10. Be good to yourself. Studying on four hours of sleep and an empty stomach or junk-food diet is a waste of time. Avoid food and drink containing caffeine just before or just after studying.

you need tips for air travel?

1. Packing-- you don't need to necessarily pack super light, but pack smart & don't overpack. Think about how much you're going to be hauling around your luggage-- the more you have to haul it, the lighter you should try to pack. Think about if you're *really* going to need an item where you're going. Women can be really bad at this-- I'm just as guilty. For Example, consider makeup-- If you're only going to be gone a week, make do with 1 lipstick, 1 bottle of perfume, etc.

Also, you don't need to pack for every emergency--chances are you can buy what you need where you are, should you actually need it.

2. Security & carryons-- Oh, the fun. :oP First, wear comfortable but nice clothes. My standard travel wear is a decent pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt. Comfortable, and not too inclined to show stains. (Bleep happens--trust me.) Also, plan for security. The better prepared you are, the faster you'll get through. So-- plan ahead, minimize metal, empty your pockets, and *be nice* to the security people, regardless of how they treat you. I've never had a problem with anyone, but it's happened. Otherwise-- wear easy-on-easy-off shoes, because you will be required to remove them at the checkpoint. If you're wearing a jacket or overshirt or sweater, etc., you'll also have to take it off for screening. Belt are almost always removed, so try to do without, find a subsitute (ribbon or a scarf can work for women), or just wait till after security to put it on. Finally, with the exception of shoes, it's much easier to stop before you get to the checkpoint, take everything off/out of your pockets & stuff it in your carryon, and then go to security. Or, if there's a line, do it while you're waiting, rather than once you get to the scanner.

Also-- there are rules for liquids of *any* sort. You can put whatever you like in your checked bag, but your carryon is restricted-- no more than 3 oz. of something, and all of them must fit in a quart size plastic baggie. At security, the baggie must be removed from you carryon & screened separately.
This includes any and all liquids, creams, lotions, and the like.


3. On the plane-- Okay, here's a biggie-- be nice to the flight attendants, because if there's a problem, they're going to be the ones you'll be asking for help.

Otherwise, get to the airport at least 2 hours early-- not *leave* for the airport, but be there. With security & flight delays and other problems, it never hurts to get there early.

Try to keep your carryon to a realistic size. Many people bring small suitcases, and everyone else on the plane must wait while they hold up boarding & getting off the plane by trying to get their oversixed bags in and out of the overhead
bins, usually banging some poor soul on the head.

Finally, plan to entertain yourself. My standard is a couple of books & my mp3 player. You cannot use a cell phone on the plane (FAA rule), so don't plan on that. Many people bring portable DVD players or laptops, but keep in mind the *very* cramped quarters on a flight.

Finally, bring a pair of earplugs. You may not need them, but all it takes is one screaming kid and you'll be grateful you have 'em.

Have a good trip!!

you need tips for dieting?

ok well i need dieting tips on losing weight fast n healthy n i need tips from working out to eating
find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
and take a multivitamin with breakfast and omega or flax oil capsules.
11 months ago
