Sunday, May 11, 2008

Five ways to save on car insurance

Car insurance is a type of cover that can be quite costly depending on your needs and circumstances, but this is a type of cover that is a legal requirement for drivers in the UK so no matter what the expense you have to get this cover if you wish to take your vehicle on the road. It is important to remember that there are ways and means of lowering your insurance premiums on car cover, however, so with a little thought and research you could save yourself a small fortune.
Below are some of the top ways in which you can save money on the cost of insurance cover:
1. Don't go for the first quote. Never assume that the first quote you get is going to be representative of all other quotes, as the cost of cover can vary widely from one provider to another. Make sure that you get at least three quotes from different providers before you make any decision – don’t feel tempted to rush into taking cover with the first insurance company that sends you details.
2. Remember that price comparison sites may not cover all providers. Many people have started to use price comparison sites to find their insurance cover, but you should bear in mind that these sites only cover a portion of the market and not all providers are on their databases. You should therefore be mindful that there may be a cheaper and more suitable policy available that is not on the price comparison site, so it may be worth checking individual providers to get your price down further.
3. Go for the most appropriate level of cover. If you have a new or expensive vehicle then you should opt for the top level of cover, which is fully comp. However, if you have an old car that has a low value then you can get away with taking out a lower level of cover, which will enable you to keep the cost of cover down whilst still fulfilling the legal requirement of having insurance.
4. Increase your excess. The amount of excess that you choose on your policy will make a difference to your premiums. If you choose to have a higher level of excess on your policy you can knock down your premiums significantly in some cases – just make sure that you do have enough money put aside to cover the excess in case you do need to make a claim.
5. Take the pass plus test if you have recently passed. New and younger drivers often find the cost of cover crippling. However, you can save a considerable amount on the cost of cover if you take the advances pass plus test after passing your standard test, with some insurers offering up to 35% off if you have passed this advanced course.

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